This video shows you how to edit your site content via the back end of the Canvas content management system (CMS).
Click on Content in the navigation to see a full listing of pages on your site.
You may search for the title of the page at the top of the page before the listing of pages.
Below the search, the Content page list shows all of the published and unpublished content
within your website. You are able to find whether they are published or unpublished under the
Status section.
You are also able to search the content section by Language, Published status, Content type
and Title as shown below.
You are able to publish or unpublish multiple pages at a time.
To publish or unpublish multiple pages:
1. Select the pages you choose to publish / unpublish
2. Choose a selected action
3. Click Apply to selected items on the bar that pops up from the bottom of the page.
For each row under the In the Operations column, you are able to edit, delete, or clone the row
that you have selected.
Edit will take you to the Edit interface for that specific page.
Scheduled Transitions will take you to the list of any scheduled transitions you have for that
Clone: Upon selecting the clone option, you will be taken to the Clone page where you will
have the ability to make a copy of the selected clone.
How to clone a page
Either on the content list page or on the page itself, choose “Clone.”
On the clone interface page, there will be toggles for each piece of content on the page. If you
want the content you are cloning to stay the same as the original content, the toggle should
be gray.
After you’ve made your selections on which content needs to sync with original content, click
“Clone” at the bottom of the page.
Click “Delete” if you want to remove the page permanently from your site. Clicking Delete will
take you to a confirmation page.
Banner Content Area
The homepage banner content area on your site will look like this:
Under Display Settings, you will be able to choose whether you want the banner to display as
a static image or random load first banner. If neither are toggled (green) and Enable autoplay
is toggled (green), it will rotate through the published banners.
You may choose the animation type on the dropdown, slide or fade.
You may choose how many seconds the banner will appear before moving to the next.
Banner Items will show the banners you have available.
Click “Edit” on the far right side of the Banner item to edit/view the item.
Once expanded, you can configure the following:
1. Choose whether the banner item is published.
2. Type of overlay, Dark or Light. You may choose the overlay that will allow the most contrast
between the text and the background image. For example, if the overlay is dark, the banner
text will be light.
Canvas User’s Guide 61
3. Where you would like the content to appear on the image. Under Alignment, you have the
options of left, right, and center.
4. Upload or choose an image from the media library for your banner.
5. Upload or choose an image for the mobile view for your banner. Note that this is optional;
when uploading an image, you are given the option to choose a focal point on the image
that it will scale down to on smaller screens. Because this isn’t exact, you have the option to
add a mobile-specific image.
Below the mobile image, you can add/edit content your banner content.
1. Title. This is the larger text or headline of the banner.
2. Body copy. The smaller text that appears on the banner.
3. Button URL. This is the page or URL that you are linking to.
4. Link text. This is what will appear in the button of the banner.
5. Button Aria Label. This is the text that will be used by screen readers to give the button/link
more context. This is very important especially if the button is a “Learn More.”
6. If you hover over the six dots on other banners, you may drag and drop them to update the
order of the banners.
7. Click Add Banner Item to add another banner item.