This video shows the different ways you can edit the various pages of your website.
Home Page
Your home page is built on a content type called a “Landing Page.” This content type is
typically used just for the home page but can be used on internal pages on your site. You
can edit the home page by either navigating to it and clicking on “Edit” at the bottom of your
Or by going to the “Content” section and filtering by “Content type” = landing page.
1. Find the home page usually called “Home” or “Main Landing”
2. Click “Edit” under “Operations.”
Home page content is typically broken into 2 areas: “Banner Content” and “Content Sections.”
You might have additional areas. If so, then those areas will be covered in a document specific
to your financial institution.
Internal Pages
Your internal pages are built on a content type called a “Basic Page.” This content type is
incredibly flexible and can be used for most of the pages on your site. You can edit an internal
page by either navigation to it from the front-end navigation and clicking on “Edit” at the top
of the screen:
1. Or by going to the “Content” tab and searching for part of the page title. Additionally, you
can filter by “Basic Page” content type.
2. Click “Edit” under “Operations.”