This video demonstrates how to create a new event or edit an existing event.
Event Creation
Published toggle – You may unpublish the content if you will reuse it in the future.
Display admin title toggle – You may choose to show the Admin Title or hide it.
Background color – Colors depend on your site specific build. Typically, there is a primary,
secondary, and gray.
Gutter – This allows you to add additional white space between your content types. You may
need to play with these options to get the correct amount of white space on your site. Options
▶ -None-
▶ Top Padding
▶ Bottom Padding
▶ Top & Bottom Padding
Event Steps
1. Go to Content > Add content > Event.
2. Fill in the appropriate fields, including title, event location, event dates (you do not need to
include an end date if it is unknown), and event body. If you need help with the event body,
then see Intro to CKEditor for content adding/editing instructions.
3. Click “Save.”
1. Go to the main Content page.
2. Filter content type by “Event.” Click on Filter.
3. Find the event that you would like to edit.
4. Click on “Edit” under “Operations”
5. On the event page, you can update the fields as needed.
6. Click “Save.”